Sunday, July 8, 2012

Qualities of a Good Measuring Instrument by Aubrey Galarion

                Content, concurrent, predictive, construct
      Adequacy, objectivity, testing condition, test administration procedures
      (Practicality) ease in administration, scoring, interpretation and application, low cost, proper mechanical make – up
Content validity – face validity or logically validity used in evaluating achievement test
Concurrent validity – test agrees with or correlates with a criterion (ex. entrance examination)
Predictive validity – degree of accuracy of how test predicts the level of performance in activity which it intends to foretell
Construct validity – agreement of the test with a theoretical construct or trait (ex. IQ)
Classification of Tests
                according to manner of response:
                                Oral and Written
                according to method of preparation:
        Subjective/essay and Objective
   according to nature of answer
                                Intelligence test, Personality test,
        Aptitude test, Prognostic test, Diagnostic test,
        Achievement test, Preference test,
        Accomplishment test, Scale test, Speed test,
        Power test, Standardized test, Teacher – 
        made test, Placement test

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