Sunday, July 8, 2012

Measurement and Evaluation Defined

Measurement defined
           Process of quantifying individual’s achievement, personality, attitudes, habits and skills
          Quantification appraisal of observable phenomena
          Process of assigning symbols to dimensions of phenomena
          An operation performed on the physical world by an observer
          Process by which information about the attributes or characteristics of things are determined and differentiated
Evaluation defined
          Qualitative aspect of determining the outcomes of learning.
          Process of ranking with respect to attributes or trait
          Appraising the extent of learning
          Judging effectiveness of educ. experience
          Interpreting and analyzing changes in behavior
          Describing accurately quantity and quality of thing
          Summing up results of measurement or tests giving meaning based on value judgments
          Systematic process of determining the extent to which instructional objectives are achieved
          Considering evidence in the light of value standard and in terms of particular situations and goals which the group of individuals are striving to attain.
*TESTING – a technique of obtaining information needed for evaluation purposes.

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