Sunday, July 8, 2012


                a) Principal (basic purpose)
                - to determine what knowledge, skills, abilities, habits and attitudes have been acquired
                - to determine what progress or extent of learning attained
                - to determine strengths, weaknesses, difficulties and needs of students
1.b) Secondary (auxiliary functions for
                effective teaching and learning)
                - to help in study habits formation
                - to develop the effort-making capacity of students
                - to serve as aid for guidance, counselling, and prognosis
                - to maintain standards
                - to classify or select for special purposes
                - to determine teachers efficiency, effectiveness of methods, strategies used
                (strengths, weaknesses, needs); standards of instruction
                - to serve as basis or guide for curriculum making and developing
                - to serve as guide in educational planning of administrators and supervisors
                - to set up norms of performance
                - to inform parents of their children’s progress in school
                - to serve as basis for research

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