Sunday, July 8, 2012

Measurement and Evaluation Defined

Measurement defined
           Process of quantifying individual’s achievement, personality, attitudes, habits and skills
          Quantification appraisal of observable phenomena
          Process of assigning symbols to dimensions of phenomena
          An operation performed on the physical world by an observer
          Process by which information about the attributes or characteristics of things are determined and differentiated
Evaluation defined
          Qualitative aspect of determining the outcomes of learning.
          Process of ranking with respect to attributes or trait
          Appraising the extent of learning
          Judging effectiveness of educ. experience
          Interpreting and analyzing changes in behavior
          Describing accurately quantity and quality of thing
          Summing up results of measurement or tests giving meaning based on value judgments
          Systematic process of determining the extent to which instructional objectives are achieved
          Considering evidence in the light of value standard and in terms of particular situations and goals which the group of individuals are striving to attain.
*TESTING – a technique of obtaining information needed for evaluation purposes.


                a) Principal (basic purpose)
                - to determine what knowledge, skills, abilities, habits and attitudes have been acquired
                - to determine what progress or extent of learning attained
                - to determine strengths, weaknesses, difficulties and needs of students
1.b) Secondary (auxiliary functions for
                effective teaching and learning)
                - to help in study habits formation
                - to develop the effort-making capacity of students
                - to serve as aid for guidance, counselling, and prognosis
                - to maintain standards
                - to classify or select for special purposes
                - to determine teachers efficiency, effectiveness of methods, strategies used
                (strengths, weaknesses, needs); standards of instruction
                - to serve as basis or guide for curriculum making and developing
                - to serve as guide in educational planning of administrators and supervisors
                - to set up norms of performance
                - to inform parents of their children’s progress in school
                - to serve as basis for research

Functions of Evaluation By Lorenzo Taguinod

1. Evaluation assesses or make appraisal of
       - Educational objectives, programs, curricula, instructional materials, facilities
       - Teacher
       - Learner
       - Public relations of the school
       - achievement scores of the learner
2. Evaluation conducts research

Principles of Evaluation By Juliet Gulaga

Evaluation should be
1. Based on clearly stated objectives
2. Comprehensive
3. Cooperative
4. Used Judiciously
5. Continuous and integral part of the teaching – learning process

Types of Evaluation used in classroom instruction By Freician Cantero

1.  Diagnostic Evaluation – detects pupil’s learning difficulties which somehow are not revealed by formative tests. It is more comprehensive and specific.
2.  Formative Evaluation – It provides feedback regarding the student’s performance in attaining instructional objectives. It identifies learning errors that neded to be corrected and it provides information to make instruction more effective.
3.  Placement Evaluation – It defines student’s entry behaviors. It determines knowledge and skills he possesses which are necessary at the beginning of instruction.
4.  4. Summative Evaluation – It determines the extent to which objectives of instruction have been attained and is used for assigning grades/marks and to provide feedback to students.

Qualities of a Good Measuring Instrument by Aubrey Galarion

                Content, concurrent, predictive, construct
      Adequacy, objectivity, testing condition, test administration procedures
      (Practicality) ease in administration, scoring, interpretation and application, low cost, proper mechanical make – up
Content validity – face validity or logically validity used in evaluating achievement test
Concurrent validity – test agrees with or correlates with a criterion (ex. entrance examination)
Predictive validity – degree of accuracy of how test predicts the level of performance in activity which it intends to foretell
Construct validity – agreement of the test with a theoretical construct or trait (ex. IQ)
Classification of Tests
                according to manner of response:
                                Oral and Written
                according to method of preparation:
        Subjective/essay and Objective
   according to nature of answer
                                Intelligence test, Personality test,
        Aptitude test, Prognostic test, Diagnostic test,
        Achievement test, Preference test,
        Accomplishment test, Scale test, Speed test,
        Power test, Standardized test, Teacher – 
        made test, Placement test

Classicication of measuring instrument by roseviel Gabilo

Classification of Measuring Instrument
1.Standard Tests
       a) Psychological test – Intelligence test,
              Aptitude test, Personality (Rating scale)
        test, Vocational and Professional
        Interest Inventory
       b) Educational Test
2. Teacher – made test
       Planning, Preparing, Reproducing, Administering, Scoring, Evaluating, Interpreting

Types of teacher-made test by carlos come

Types of Teacher – Made Tests
1.     Essay type
         Advantages: easy to construct, economical, minimize guessing, develops critical thinking, minimize cheating and memorizing, develops good study habits
2.     Objective type
            a) Recall type – simple recall, completion type
            b) Recognition type – alternate response (true/false, yes/no, right/wrong, agree/disagree); Multiple choice (stem-and-options variety, setting-and-options variety, group-term variety, structured – response variety, contained-option variety)
            c) Matching type
            d) Rearrangement type
            e) Analogy type – purpose, cause and effect, synonym relationship, antonym relationship, numerical relationship
            f) Identification type
Multiple Choice Test
(Recognition type)
1.stem-and-options variety :  the stem serves as the problem
2.setting-and-options variety : the optional respon-ses are dependent upon a setting or foundation of some sort, i.e. graphical representation variety : consist of group of words or terms in which one does not belong to the group
4.structured – response variety: makes use of structured response which are commonly use in classroom testing for natural science subjects
5.contained-option variety: designed to identify errors in a word, phrase, sentence or paragraph.