Wednesday, January 19, 2011


(and Monster )

Mainstream public awareness of this "Montauk" mystery seems to have really begun in 1992 when Preston Nichols and Peter Moon wrote a book called "The Montauk Project - "Experiments in Time". Since then many researchers, fanatics, serious scientists, journalists, Long Island residents and conspiracy theorists have dug away at the claims made and this story is the result. We’ve done our best to connect up the pieces and present a “big picture” in an objective way.

Long Island has always been New York's party-playground but it has also been the location of many very "strange" and important military bases and scientific research facilities. Some are still there and remain operational.

Montauk  Monster?

"A picture circulating on the Internet of the alleged Montauk Monster"
(A remarkably "professional" picture given that it was taken in a hurry by a teenage girl with her friends camera.) It's about the size of a cat.


If ever there was a mystery that has everything from UFOs to USA Government Mind Control experiments then this Montauk event has it. In fact, it seems as if this mystery has everything that any paranoid conspiracy theorist could ever wish for. Weird Experiments, Missing Nazi Gold, Time Travel, Corporate Neo-Orders, Nazi Scientists, Invisibility, Secret Weapons, Abductions, Men in Black, Biogenetics, Secret Animal Research, Wormholes, Black holes, Displaced Native Indians, Inter-dimensional Portals, The Mafia, Bolivian Drug Cartels, Secret Agents and even an Alien or Mutant Monster (photographs available). This bizarre mystery has it all! Books have been written about it, people have allegedly been sent to jail just for investigating it and regardless of the huge interest it is generating on the Internet – mainstream media won’t touch it. And ... who could blame them? But is there really something to this story? Before you dismiss this mystery as the hallucinations of the lunatic fringe or the maligned efforts of marketing people, just remember that one of the best ways to hide something is to “muddy-the-waters” by adding so much nonsense to a subject that people simply don’t know what to believe and what to discard – and so to save time and effort they discard everything! This is a genuine misinformation tactic sometimes referred to as the “Wood-for-the-Trees” or “Subject Assassination” method.

“Just because you’re paranoid doesn't mean they’re not out to get you!” Kurt Cobain - American Musician – Nirvana - 1967-1994. The circumstances of Mr. Corbain’s apparent suicide are still a matter of debate.

Before we go any further please note that Aquiziam is not trying to solve this mystery (no more letters please unless you have seriously hard evidence) – we merely wish to represent it in an objective way. That’s the purpose of the website. As always ... we encourage our readers to be sceptical, to do their own research and to make up their own minds.

The last civil liberty that people should be prepared to lose is the right to think for themselves. Sadly, because of contentment and laziness, it is often the first that they give away.” Paul Vincent, British Author (1964 - )


Given that the modern (Western) history of Long Island (and Montauk), USA, starts as early as 1524 and that it has experienced many changes in culture and occupation, it is not surprising that it has a rich record of dark and sometimes inexplicable incidents. We may list more of these later in another section.

There are three main parts to this 60 year Montauk Mystery that may or may not be interlinked.

  • The Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project (Camp Hero / Montauk Air Force Base)

  • Fort Terry and the Plum Island Animal Disease Centre (Plum Island)

  • The Montauk Monster (Ditch Plains Beach - Montauk)

The area of Montauk is located at the tip of the south fork of Long Island which, in turn, forms part of the Eastern Seaboard of the USA and is the dominant offshore landmass that stretches from New York towards the Cape Cod Peninsular. If there was ever a place perfectly suited for secret activity then this is it. Heavily wooded in places, surrounded by water on three sides, pock-marked by marshes, isolated and easily secured, Long Island and the Montauk District in particular is just the sort of place we would choose. (50 years ago) Over the years Long Island and other smaller islands near it have been, and still are, home to specialist research organisations. Only a picture can prove what we mean.

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